Dark Pokemon Rom Hacks

Pokemon dark rising downloadRom

This ROM hack features; all Pokemon are catch-able, root fossil replacing old amber in pewter museum, blue and green making more appearance in the game, many maps were changed to reflect on Manga appearance The graphics and display are updated compared to Fire Red, with customizable characters and levels up to 255. Download Pokemon Dark Cry: The Legend of Giratina, a GBA Rom Hack, Latest Version: Alpha 2.1.5 Hotfix 2.6.7, patched and ready to play. Here is a full hack for Pokemon - FireRed which won some awards in 2012 on Pokecommunity.com The Story begins in a dream. A Pokemon suddenly appears and chooses you, a young boy/girl, to save not only it, but the world itself. Any dark rom hacks? If any of you have played insurgence(fan game) i want a rom hack that is like it, kinda dark, really unique storyline(not like the average pokemon game), talking to ppl gives you alot of cool stuff and if there are any, unique pokemon features for example new megas or even a feature like delta pokemon.

Best pokemon rom hacks
Posted March 4th, 2016

Pokemon Rom Hack Download

Many years ago in my youth I used to be into ROM hacking the original Red and Blue generation. Not to a great standard, I'd make them in my bedroom and hand them out at school on floppy disks. Years past and I forgot all about ROM hacking.
Then I found Light Platinum...
I played a whole bunch of ROM hacks and was impressed by how much the quality had improved in the last fifteen years and started messing around with it again. Still, not to a great standard.
But I had an idea. I thought to myself that 'one day someone should make a hack set during the Pokémon war' then I thought to myself: hang on. I'm someone, and today is one day. So I sat down and started developing Pokémon WAR.
Pokémon WAR is based between five and ten years before the adventures of Red.
The region of Kanto has been taken over by an international terrorist organisation known only as Team Rocket. Using nefarious means and devious tactics the Rockets have captured key strategic points across the region and are plotting a coup d'etat of the Pokémon League. Should the Rockets defeat the league and appoint a champion all hope of peace will be lost.
A small group of elite trainers led by Professor Oak are mounting a fightback against the Rockets. Only the Pokerebels can liberate the people of Kanto and restore order to the region.
You play as a fully grown adult man from New Bark Town in the neighbouring Johto region. With Pokerebels failing to the east Professor Oak has fled to Johto to recruit new blood for the resistance. Can you make the difference and finally bring an end to the Kanto civil war?
A whole new never before seen story line.
That's it really. It's the story that's important.
I've added three Johto cities, a few routes and caves etc. Much of Kanto will remain the same map-wise and the changes will be character/script based.
It's hard to explain without giving away too much detail. I want the player to be surprised as the story unfolds. I have much of the story laid out in my mind but am open to ideas and suggestions of you guys have any.
Finally, if there's any scripters out there interested in giving me a hand (scripting is where I'm struggling most) I'd be more than happy to graciously accept your offers of help!
Coming soon.
Advance Intro Editor