Tidy Plates And Elvui

Is there a way to chance how raid icons are displayed? I am not a fan of them floating next to a bar, I much prefer above the head of the target, as well as an option to color the entire health bar the color of the icon (like tidy plates Threat plates does). Well, dear reader, I understand your confusion, but for PvP purposes, Tidy Plates, or any similar addon such as the built-in ElvUI nameplates, is a pretty decent way to track your DoTs.

The best addons 2020 for World of Warcraft 1.13.5 / 9.0.2. Nameplates, health bars, cast bars. See everything right in front of you in style with these nifty addons and mods for World of Warcraft. In this video, I ta. If you pick elvui, it disables the elvui nameplates and all is well. If you get the question wrong, relog and turn tidyplates back on and rince and repeat until you get the question right. As far as I know, ElvUI does not bug out AffDots in any way, mind you I've only been using ElvUI for a week now.


Tidy Plates Elvui Skin

One of the reasons I use ElvUI nameplates is because the colors were so helpful to help me see threats through colors.
While setting up the plates and trying out to see if they're set up how I want them to be I noticed that the 'good color' seems to override the 'Tanked color'.Elvui

Tidy Plates Elvui

Tidy plates elvui skinElvuiIn raids it's so necessary for me to see when i'm tanking the boss or when the other tank is tanking the boss, now I have to look at the boss's target and if I'm looking just as the boss is casting something I have no way of knowing who's actually tanking the boss.
TidyIs this gonna get fixed soon? Am I just being a silly and set it up wrong?
Please help! ^^